All India convention of National Alliance of People’s Movements begins in Hyderabad

The all India convention of National Alliance of People’s Movements (NAPM), in its 30th year, has begun on the Exhibition Grounds at Nampally in Hyderabad. Nearly 800 people from across the country, including grassroots workers, leaders, representatives of organisations and advocates of people’s rights, were present.

The meeting, according to its organisers, reflected on its achievements and challenges as well as charted the future course of action for an equitable and just society in the “challenging times”.

The theme of the four-day event is ‘Defending Democracy: Constitutional Justice to Climate Justice’. The meeting featured sessions, presentations and group discussions on agrarian communities, urban struggles, rivers, communal hatred, citizenship and marginalised communities.

According to the NAPM, it was mass people’s movements that kept the letter and spirit of the Constitution alive and organised.

The range of movements and campaigns over the three decades encompassed agrarian, water, forest, land, anti-displacement struggles, housing rights, work, education, healthcare, social welfare, and anti-war and anti-nuclear.

Central to the NAPMs’ work have been the Narmada Bachao Andolan, the anti-mining movement in the Niyamgiri mountains in Odisha; Nandigram; Plachimada Coca-Cola struggle; and enactment and implementation of laws such as the Forest Rights Act, Land Acquisition and Rehabilitation, MGNREGA, the Right to Information Act and the Street Vendors Act among others.

An umbrella ecosystem for a range of movements in the country, the NAPMs’ key initiatives include River Valleys Forum, National Alliance of Agrarian Communities, All India Feminist Alliance, National Alliance for Justice, Accountability and Rights, Urban Struggles Forum, All India Inquilabi Youth and Students Alliance, National Health Rights Forum, National Alliance for Climate and Ecological Justice, and National Workers Forum.

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