APAAR CARD vs Aadhaar Card Key Differences Between National Identification and Academic Tracking Complete Guide

The Government of India has presented two important initiatives for digital identity and authentication, first Aadhaar and second Apaar. Even though the names look almost the same, there is a big difference. The aim of both is to connect citizens to a convenient and safe identification system, but their usage and functionality are different. Here we will compare both these ID systems and understand who it is necessary for.

Apaar and Aadhaar: What are their and their purpose?

Aadhaar is a special identity number of 12-nuns issued by the Government of India, which is issued by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). Its main objective is to provide digital and biometric based identity to citizens, so that government services and subsidy schemes etc. can be availed.

APAAR It is also known as Academic Bank of Credit (ABC ID). It aims to digitize the educational records of the students digitally and make their transfer easier in various institutions. This is an important step under the National Education Policy (NEP 2020).

Whom is it used for?

Aadhaar is for all Indian citizens and is compulsorily used in identity, government schemes, banking service, mobile connections, passports and other government processes.

APAAR is mainly for students and has been developed under the Ministry of Education. It is used in institutional organization for nomination, digital records of certificates and credit transfer between various syllabus. This connects students to integrated education system and makes their academic journey easier.

Identification System and Data Security

Aadhaar stores data in biometric (fingerprint, eye scan) and demographic (name, address, date of birth). Its safety is responsible for UIDAI and can be used for biometric authentication.

APAAR digitally protects the academic records of students. It does not include biometric data, but the academic documents and credit scores of the students are stored in it.

Registration process and mandatory

All Indian citizens can apply for Aadhaar and it is necessary for banking, government service and other important identity works.

APAAR is voluntary and is available only to students. It is generated through universities, colleges and other educational institutions.


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