Bird dog exercise: Benefits and how to do

Bird dog exercise is a core strengthening move. It can also help to improve balance and stability. Here’s how to do this exercise to reap the benefits.

Looking for an exercise that targets your core, hips and back muscles? You should do the bird dog exercise, which is great for improvement balance, strengthening your core and promoting proper posture. It is an easy and very effective exercise. One of the best things about this bodyweight exercise is that it needs no gym equipment. Just a mat is enough to perform this move, and it won’t a task to include it in your daily fitness routine. Also, you need to find a place in your room or outdoors where you can easily extend one Arm and your opposite leg at the same time.

What is the bird dog exercise?

“The Bird Dog Exercise is a Simple Yet Highly Effective bodyweight movement That targets your core, back, and glutes, “Says Physiotherapist and Fitness Expert Dr aijaz ashaiIt involves extending one Arm Forward While Simultaneously stretching the opposite leg behind you. While Doing this exercise, you need to maintain a straight line from your hand to your foot. It can be performed by beginners as well as elberly people.

Bird dog
This exercise is great for balance. Image Courtesy: Shutterstock

What are the benefits of bird dog exercise?

Here are some of the benefits of the dog exercise:

  • Strengthens the core: A Strongeer Core Can Increase Overall Physical Function, which is why you should do the bird dog exercise. It engages the core and back at the same time, according to research published in the International Journal of Exercise Science in 2021.
  • Enhances Balance and Stability: The exercise is good for balance, as per annalysis published in Rehabilitation Research and Practice In 2016. By Stretching Out One Arm and the other leg, The Bird Dog Exercise Makes Your Body Activate Stabilising Muscles. “This movement improves your balance, which is Crucial for Everyday Activities,” Says The Expert.
  • Improves posture: It ensures spinal alignment and helps to Improve posture By contrasting muscles along the spine. “A Stable, Healthy Spine Minimies The Risk of Back injuries,” Says the Expert. Also, it may reduce lower back pain, according to a study published in Medicine in 2019.
  • Flexibility: The movement involves stretching using the arms and legs. “This can improve flexibility in the hips, shoulders, and lower back,” says dr ashai. Flexibility is important, as it helps prevent strike in the body.
  • Better coordination: As you try to balance your body, it helps improve focus and awareness of your body movements. “This can lead to better coordination,” Says The Expert.

How to do the Bird Dog Exercise?

Performing the Bird Dog Exercise with Proper Form is Crucial to Reap the Benefits.

  • To do this animal-inspired exercise, start on your hands and knees, with your wrests directly Beneath Your Shoulders. Your knees should be directly Beneath your hips, and your spine neutral, with your head aligned with your back.
  • Slowly take your right Arm Straight out in Front of you while keeping your thumb pointed upward. At the same time, move your left leg behind you, Making sure it is paralyl to the floor.
  • Use your body to keep a straight line from your right hand to your left foot. Square your hips to the groups and use your core to keep your body stable for a less seconds.
  • Gradually return your arm and leg to the first step without curving your back.

“Do the number of repetitions as desired, usually 10 to 15 on Each side,” say the expert.

What are the mistakes to avoid while doing the bird dog exercise?

To get the maximum benefit of the bird dog exercise, make sure not to commit these common mistakes:

  • Arching your lower back: Most people arch their lower back too much extending their arms or legs. “This can stress the spine and limit the efficacy of the exercise,” Says the Expert
  • Overextanding limbs: OvereXtending your arm and leg can lead to loss of balance and form. So, extending as far as your body can while mainTaining an engaged core is Necessary with Doing this exercise.
  • Sagging hips: Sagging hips at the time of movement puts too much stress on your lower back. Make sure to keep your hips aligned with your shoulders as well as knees.
  • Not engaging your core: Failing to engage your core will cause instability apart from reduce the effectiveness of the exercise. “Always pull in your abdominal muscles to hold a stable position with this exercise,” suggests dr ashai.
Shoulder Pain
People with Shoulder Pain Should Avoid The Bird Dog. Image Courtesy: Adobe Stock

What are the disadvantages of the bird dog exercise?

It is a simple and safe exercise for most people, but there are a few disadvantages of performing it:

  • People with shoulder pain may find this exercise a bit challenging or painful. That’s why it is better to consult a doctor Prior to trying any exercise, including the bird dog.
  • Although it is an excellent exercise for the core, it might not offer the same strength gains for other muscle groups as other exercises such as squats Or push-ups.

The bird dog exercise is an effective move that can offer core strength, balance and flexibility. Whether you are a beginner or a fitness Enthusiast, it can be a great addition to your workout regime.

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Is bird dog better than a plan?

Both the bird dog and plank exercises engage the core, but they engage it differently. The plank is a static hold that activations the entry core whose also encouraging shoulder and arm stability. The Bird Dog, however, is a dynamic movement that tests balance and stability by activating Several Muscle Groups at Once. Both exercises are beneficial, but the bird dog provides more movement variety and can be more effective for enhancing coordination.

How long to do the bird dog exercise?

The Hold in the Bird Dog Exercise varies according to your physical fitness and targets. Beginners can hold the position for 5 to 10 seconds per side. You can take it up a notch by maintaining the hold at 20 to 30 seconds to build stability and stamina. Still, keep in mind that good form is always more important than hold time.

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