Performing well in PUBG Mobile or having a chicken dinner depends on your playing skills, but yes, you can improve your game to some extent by changing the settings of the game, there is no doubt about it. So if you are also a new player of PUBG Mobile and are looking for better settings without the hassle of understanding the settings of the game, then you are at the right place. Here we are giving you information about the best settings of PUBG Mobile.
Set graphics settings to suit your phone
When you open PUBG Mobile on the phone for the first time, the game sets the graphics settings according to the smartphone, but sometimes changing the graphics also has a good effect on the gameplay. The new mid-range smartphones coming these days also have the ability to run PUBG Mobile at high graphics settings, but still if you feel that the game sometimes lags or the phone gets hot after playing for a while, then You can reduce the graphics on the game’s settings.
For this you can use your game ‘Settings’ Go to and there on the right hand side ‘Graphics’ Tap on. Here you will find many options. If you are running a mobile phone with good hardware and high-speed stable internet connection then you can set these settings to High and if your phone is a little old or is a budget smartphone then you can set the settings to Mid or Low. Many times, keeping the graphics low and frame rate high on budget phones also increases the fun of playing games. These settings depend on the user’s phone and internet connection, so we recommend that you adjust them to suit your game.
Change visual style
pajabi mobile key ‘Settings’ inside the ‘Graphics’ You will also see some visual options. Here classic, colorful, realistic Or soft Options exist. This changes the color tone in the game. Although it only makes the game different in terms of looks, some players claim that the colorful mode helps them spot enemies easier. However, these are just claims and we do not confirm them. There are a lot of colorful outfits in PUBG Mobile and perhaps this could be the reason that these outfits appear more colorful to the players in Colorful Mode, due to which they can see the players hiding in the grass.
Although there are varying opinions on this within our team, most people like Classic Mode. In such a situation, we suggest that you check all these options yourself and find out which option suits you best according to your phone.
set the controls
Not only new players, but even experts in PUBG Mobile are often looking for control settings. Players have countless options to set their controls in this game. In the game, the player can set the buttons anywhere on the screen as per his choice. In such a situation, many players keep searching for the best PUBG controls settings on the internet. You can use your controls in the game ‘Settings’ coming to the right inside ‘Controls’ on option
Can be changed by tapping. Here you will find many pre-set settings. Even within these three presets the player has 3 layouts. You can save three types of settings here. You can save three types of settings as per your choice in each layout.

If you use a trigger, you can set one layout to trigger settings and the other two to claw grip settings or normal settings. Many players set these layouts according to different sizes of buttons.
Set the vehicle controls also
Just like the player, you can also set the controls of the vehicle. The game comes with three pre-set options. It completely depends on you which option you choose. We would recommend you to play some games with these three settings and see which setting you are able to drive well with. For this you can use the game ‘Settings’ Go to and tab number four ‘Vehicle’ Select.
turn on aim assist
If you are a new player then this Aim Assist Will be of great use to you. Aim assist makes it easier to aim at the enemy. By turning it on, the game automatically aims at the enemy, but remember that it is not accurate, but if you are a new player then it would be good for you to start with Aim Assist, but we will introduce you to this after a while. Would recommend turning off the option. You can also use ‘Aim Assist’ in the game. settings inside the basic You can see it at the top of the tab.
Peak and fire on
This option is off by default in the game. You must have seen many players in the game peeping crookedly from the building’s windows, doors or from behind trees and stones. This is the wonder of Peak and Fire. Peek and Fire lets you peek out from behind cover and shoot enemies by simply poking your head out. Due to this, your body is hidden inside the cover and the chances of you getting shot are very less. If you master this feature, you can easily save yourself and get on your way to a chicken dinner. Peek & Fire to you game settings coming to the right inside ‘Basic‘Can see inside the tab.
Also an option Peek & Open Scope It also happens. In the Peak and Open Scope option, the scope opens automatically when you press the Peak button. We would recommend you to enable this option as well. You can see this option next to Peak and Fire.
Set automatic loot limit
In PUBG Mobile, your character automatically picks up the loot, but you can also choose this loot limit yourself. There is a limit for each category in the game, in which it is already decided how many bullets or ammo etc. your character will pick up. You can change it by yourself. We would advise you to slightly reduce the number of bullets and slightly increase the number of health and grenades. You can also set the ammo according to the gun. Game key for this option ‘Settings’ Go to and the sixth tab on the right ‘Pick up’ Open. Here you can make settings as per your choice.

change sensitivity
The sensitivity of the game reduces depending on the new player, but still changing it can improve your game. Sensitivity means how sensitive your touch is. By sliding your thumb or finger across the screen you can see how fast the player turns or how fast your gun changes aim. If you reduce the sensitivity of the game, the player turns slowly by sliding your finger or thumb on the screen, and if you open the scope of the gun, your gun moves slowly. If you increase the sensitivity then this work happens faster. If you are a new player then we will tell you the sensitivity ‘Take’ Or ‘Medium’ Would advise to keep it.
With this you can easily move your player around and it will also be easier for you to aim and open the score. You can also set different sensitivities for different scores, but we recommend you to set ‘Take’ And ‘Medium’ Would recommend to stick with the settings. You can change this setting in the game ‘Settings’ fifth tab inside ‘Sensitivity’ But we can go and change it.
change crosshair color
The crosshairs indicate the gun’s aim in your game, which is,Looks like. It also comes in many color options in the game. You can change its color as per your choice. We recommend applying a color that you can easily see in the grass. You can set different colors on the crosshairs of different scopes. For this you need the game settings Go to and the seventh tab on the right ‘Scope’ Have to choose.
Turn off mic and speaker
Every new player of PUBG Mobile often hears other players shouting or sometimes saying bad things because of your not playing well. In such a situation, new players are unable to focus on their game due to anger. Here let us tell you that now PUBG Mobile has given many options for mic and speaker. You can turn off your mic while in game. If you are troubled by other players on your team, you can click on the button on the right side of the screen. Speaker You can turn off the sound of the entire team through the icon. If you want to reduce or turn off the voice of one player in the team, you also have this option. For this you Speaker You have to tap on and click on the player’s Name volume bar on slide Will have to do. With this you will be able to focus on your game better.