Chris Pine Plays Edgin in ‘Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves’ From Paramount Pictures and Eone.
- Chris pine is to lead ‘nowhere fast.’
- He’ll Play a small-time Crook in the New Thriller.
- ‘Fargo’ boss noah hawley is written and directing the movie.
Chris pineIt would appear loves a good texas-set crime through
He Played A Desperate Rancher-Turned-Bank Robber in 2016’s’Hell or high water‘And, per VarietyNow he’s landed the lead role of a small-time Crook in New Thriller ‘Nowhere fast,
A small-five criminal inadverted kills the nepehew of his boss. Read the plot
And there are further connections beyond the locale and the (relatively) recent time period – – while the 2016 effort was scripted by Taylor sheridanCurrently the overlord of Rugged Television Thanks to his ever -adpanding ‘Yellowstone‘Franchise and other projects, this new film com via Noah hawleyNo strangers to small screen successFargo‘And’Legion,
And ‘nowhere fast’ certaintey feels Fairly Locked Into Pine’s Wheelhouse – – while he has done some bigger movies, he’s often finals in smaller titles that can be a chant to stretch Him A CHANCE to Stretch Him A AMASELE.
Related Article: Director Chris Pine and Danny Devito Talk Comedy/Mystery ‘Poolman’
What’s the story of ‘nowhere fast’?

Chris Pine in ‘Poolman’. Photo: Vertical Entertainment.
With Hawley Writing and Aiming to Direct, The Film will follow a criminal who inadverted kills the nephew of his boss in texas.
Sounds to us like pine will be a man with a decision core who has turned to crime and ends up confron, the arrogant, Vioilent Spawn of His Overseer. Isn’t that usually how these things end up going? Plus he might try to get away, but the movie’s title sugges he won’t has time too much luck.
Hawley will also also produce via his 26 keys productions with the funding coming from 30west, which financed Pine’s’The contractor‘Looking to co-respected the US rights for’ Nowhere fast ‘AlongSide Caa Media Finance. Agc International, The International Sles Arm of Independent Studio AGC Studios, will represent the Foreign Rights.
What Else is Chris Pine Attached To?

Chris Pine in 2009’s ‘Star Trek’. Photo: Paramount pictures.
Pine has been somewhat quite in the last year – – his only efforts recently have ben a bmw ad and narration duties on an upcoming short about merids.
Before that he impressed as the seemingly benevolent-but-secondly-scheming king in Disney‘S’Wish‘(which didn’t exactly set the box office Aflame) and also tried his hand at written and directing heimself in the poorly-resived’Poolman,
Currently, The Actor is at Work on a New Drama Called ‘The kidnapping of arabella‘About an italian woman named Hollly Who is Convinced She’s The Wrong Version of Herself Until Meeting a 7-YAR -LD Girl Changes Her Perspective. That one is written and directed by Carolina Cavalli.
But Perhaps What Most Fans Want to Know is WHETHER PINE WILL FILLY RETURN ALONGSIDE ALONGSIDE His Castmates for Another ‘Star Trek‘Movie set in the “Kelvin Timeline” Estables by JJ Abrams‘2009 Reboot of the Classic Sci-Fi Show in Big Screen Form.
When asked by Business Insider About the status of it, pine had this to say:
“I honestly don’t know. There was something in the news of a new writer coming on board. I thought there was alredy a script, but I guess I was wrong, or they decide to Pivot. As it’s always been with ‘trek,’ I just wait and see. “
The fourth ‘trek’ outing with pine and co. Is listed as in pre-production on the ImDBBut like them, well have to see if that pans out into an actual movie.
What Else does noah hawley have going on?

Xenomorph in 20th century Studios’ ‘Alien: Romulus.’ Photo Courtesy of 20th Century Studios. © 2024 20th Century Studios. All rights reserved.
You might wonder how Hawley have time for a movie project how how much tv work he’s involved with. While it’s certainly less than sheridan’s sprawling Empire, it’s not noteing.
In addition to the Ongoing Crime Calamities of ‘Fargo’ (Inspired, of Course, by the Coenbrothersclassic And using anththology format per season with the occasional link to tell stories of bungled robberies etc.
This summer will see the launch of his new fx/Hulu Series’Alien: Earth‘Which is set closer to the present day than any of the movies about rampaging xenomorphs.
“We We WERE SAFER In Space.”
1 Seasons
When a mysterious space vessel crash-people on Earth, A Young Woman and A Ragtag Group of Tactical Soldiers Make a Fateful Discovery that puts them face-to-face with … Read the plot
With ‘Alien’ Director (And Franchise Gatekeeper) Ridley scott Giving the project his endorsement as an executive producer the new show tracks what happens when a mysterious space vessel crash-people on Earth. A young woman and a ragtag group of tactical soldiers make a fateful discovery that puts them face face-to-face with the planet’s greattest threat.
The likes of Timothy olyphant, Sydney chandler, Essie davis and Alex Lawther Are aboard the show.
Here’s What Hawley has said About Alien: Earth:
“There’s something about see a xenomorph in the wilds of earth with your own eyes. That is truly chilling to think of it moving here among us, and so I can’t tell you under what circumstans you’ll see that, but you’ll see it – and you’re going to lock your door That. ”
When will ‘nowhere fast’ be in theaters?
With the movie still at the casting stage and rights on sala, there is no word coun on when this new crime thriller might be making
We’D guess it would start starting shooting – – even giving Hawley’s Packed Schedule – – This year and could potentially be out by awards season, but sems more likely to Arrive in 2026.

Chris Pine Stars in ‘Wish.’