Do you remember 6 tech gadgets like ‘Calculator Watch’?

In the 90s, technology had gained momentum within the country. The reach of new gadgets started in big cities as well as small cities. We started adopting technology in sports. From the clock to video games and cassette players, they started leaving their effects on the hearts and minds of the people. At that time, well-known companies as well as other companies also brought new examples of technology. Some caught the attention of customers by giving better features at a low price on the basis of unique design.

Today, the matter of such gadgets, seeing that you will be refreshed memories of that era. You must have used them somewhere, at some time or the other. If not with you, you must have seen these gadgets in a friend’s hand:

Sony Walkman


As a portable cassette player, Walkman gained great popularity. At that time, people used to walk with Walkman and Headphones in the belt. For a long time, Walkman was considered a ‘status symbol’. Sonyy company as well as other companies also tried their hand at Walkman. In every small and big city, Walkman made a splash and it was well liked among the people as a gadget.

Calculator Watch

Calculator watches caught everyone’s attention in the 90s. There was a ban on taking these watches especially to the ‘Examination Hall’. His popularity may have reduced today, but he was bought a lot in that period. Even today if you want to buy them, then e-commerce site Amazon India But you can buy for 220 rupees.

Brick game (handheld)

The Brick Game was one of the best ‘Time Pass’ games of the 90s. Equipped with two small batteries, this brick game must have been seen or used by everyone at that time. This game has two or three options, which are obtained by playing in turn. The model number was written at the bottom in this brick game, which came in many color variants. There was a display above, according to which the physical button had to be used.

Walky talky

The walkie-talkie was one of the toys of the era that the children liked a lot. It was actually fulfilled the shortage of ‘phone’ for children, which was not the trend of giving them at that age. The game of ‘over and out’ was very popular by turning it on. Until his battery was over, playing with him did not stop.

Cassette videoogames

The first image is formed as soon as the name of the cassette video game is revealed, the games like Super Mario, Contra and Duck Hunt. The cassette video game ruled fiercely in the 90s. The craze of these low -price games was called by the heads of the people. Later the cassette game began to be brought to the ‘keyboard’ variants. Over time, the play station replaced him, but his memory will still be alive in people’s minds.

Sony Playstation (1994)

Sony brought the first play station in 2004. At that time, this gaming console changed the video of the video game completely. At that time, when people could not buy PS, they used to go to their outlet and play. Even today people remember games like ‘Bike City’ and ‘San and Dria’, which was possible to play for the first time from this play station.


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