Google Assistant, call the phone without putting hands, call and SMS

You must have heard about virtual assistant Google Assistant. It is possible that you have also used it in your Android smartphone. A few days ago to google assistant the Hindi language Has been enabled to understand. Actually, Google Assistant is a virtual assistant, which works to make the work easier for you. This assistant can help in your daily tasks. Calendar, Gmail, Search, Photo, Map and many such apps start running with your speaking.

It is like a real assistant who will answer your questions. From laughter-joking to the morning alarm, important things will be done for you. The most important aspect, it is also capable of calling and SMS at your one gesture. It is possible, sometimes you have accessories in both your hands, you are in an emergency or instead of calling by hand, you have the option left to speak, so Google Assistant can call and SMS anyone for you. …

Google Assistant

Call and SMS from Google Assistant

How to call or message with the help of Google Assistant, Learn …

Call from Google Assistant

You can help Google’s virtual assistant in your contact list by giving voice commands to friends, family and relatives. For this, you have to press your phone’s home button for a few seconds. After this your Google Assistant will be active. Here you say ‘OK Google’ and after that you can order to call. For example, you have saved your father’s number under the name ‘Dad’, so say – Call Dad. As soon as you say this, Google Assistant will be active and will ask you to confirm by finding the number from the contact list. Then you have to go ahead by answering yes or no. In this way you can call anyone anytime with the help of Google Assistant. We ordered a call to Google Assistant from LG G5 running on Android 7.0, which he played well. We also gave ‘Call A Cab’ command, after which Google Assistant also took permission from selecting options from us by showing options for the surrounding cab.

SMS from Google Assistant

SMSing people in your contact list from Google Assistant is as easy as calling. To SMS from Google Assistant, keep your phone’s home button for a few seconds. After this, take the name of either of the people present in the contact list and say ‘SMS Mohan’, then the options of Mauzood Mohan will be shown in the list. After this, you can also get the message and type the message by choosing the correct option. For this, Google Assistant tells you to speak the message. In this way, with the help of Google Assistant, you can deliver your point in an emergency, in a meeting, just in a bus or train. In this way, Google Assistant also provides accurate facility to message you with many services. We tried it and we did not face any problem in it.

… then this was the way to call and message from Google Assistant. If you want to know about Google Assistant and its abilities in detail Click here Read by doing


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