In this third episode of a three-wheelk series of Himsscast, We Again Speak with Unc Health’s System Director for Analytical Solutions Greg Kuhnen. This time, he is joined by his college ram rim, UNC’s Manager of Data Science Engineering.
Kuhnen and rimal discus tips and best practices for efficient and effective representations of Artificial Intelligence – Generative Ai, Large language Models and more. They discuss how Unc Health is ENSURING Responsible Adoption of Ai Tools, and How HimsS Analytics maturity assessment model Has helped the health system on that journey.
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Talking points:
How and Where Unc is Using AI, Where IT’s Finding Most Success
The areas and use cases where it’s scoring early wins
Operational and administ uses of automation, vs. clinical applications
How IT’s Working to Ensure Responsible Adoption of Ai Tools
How its AI projects are rolled out and scled up
Early Lessons Learned along the way, challenges and successes
AI Use Cases Unc Hasn’T Yeet Pursued, but is eyeing down the road
How the Himss Analytics maturity assessment model, which focuses on real-time data and predictive ai in stage 6, have been helpsful in this journey
More about this episode:
Himsscast: Fundamentals of Data Governance – Lessons from Unc Health, Part 1
Himsscast: Fundamentals of Data Governance – Lessons from Unc Health, Part 2
UnC Health Care Shares How it reacted peak analytics maturity
UnC Health Reaches Stage 7 with Advanced Emr, Analytics Capabilites
UnC Health’s Cio Talks Generative Ai Work With EPIC and Microsoft
Responsible ai governance is needed now, says Unc Health Chief Analytics Officer
Creating a path for sustainable ai governance
At Himss24 Apac, The Adoption Model for Analytics Maturity Gets facelift
New Himss Analytics Maturity Assessment Model Supports Smart Ai Deployments