How one practice helps care for almost half of New Mexico’s pregnancies with telemedicine

New mexico is a vast state – the fifth largest in the us but it has one of the smallest population, ranking 36th with Slightly more than more than 2.1 Million People. In 2022, New Mexico also had the highest poverty rate in the nation at 17.6%. In 2024, it ranked 50th in education.

The challenge

The challenges faced by the citizens of new mexico in their everyday lives roll into complexities in their access to healthcare, said Dr. Mike Ruma, Head of Fetal Medicine and Maternal Health at Perinatal Associates of New Mexico.

“Unfortunately, this storyline carries over to pregnancy as well,” He explained. “New mexico has one of the highest teen birth rates and the highest Maternal Mortality Rate in the Country. Over a third of its counies are defined as maternity care deserted to serveral laboret Closures in las vegas, gallup and artesia.

“Prior to Daily Use of Tele-Aultrasound, Our Maternal-Fetal Medicine Practice Reached Out to Rural Communities with Strategically Located Physician Offices,” Hey Continrated. “These offices require a large footprint, numerous staff, and significant driving for physicians and other frontline healthcare provides.”

While Painful and Difability, The Covid-19 Pandemic Opened Perinatal Associates’ Eyes to The capabilitys of telemedicine And tele-ultrasound.

“We Opened Two Offeies during this timeframe using these technologies recognizing the care we could provide to rural communities simply with a 10×10 -fot Room, Internet CONTICTITY and A Philips Epiq Elite Ultrasound System, “He Reported.

“We also Augmented our existing Rural Satellite Offices Using Telemedicine and Tele-ALTRASUND BRing All Aspects of Our Perinatal Practice to the Patint in his commencement,” he added. “


Perinatal Associates Went With Technology from Vendor Philips Called Collaboration Live, Software available on a Variety of the Company’s Ultrasound Systems.

“INTEAD OF Requiring Patients to Drive from Their Rural Homes to Albuquerque for Detailed Fetal Anatomic Ultrasounds and Maternal-Fetal Medicine Consultations, This tool enables, this tool enables, Real-QIME VILINGATE of the Ultrasound Images and Communication with the Patient and Our Sonographer Staff, “Ruma explained.

“In short, the technology would eliminate the need for the patient to drive to albuquerque for perinatal care and our phasicians all Hours Away, “He Added.

Meeting the challenge

As the covid-19 pandemic unfolded in the beginning of 2020, Perinatal Associates Implemented Philibration Live on Each of its 40 philips EPIQ Elite Elite Ulite Systems. All MFM Physician Staff Began to Conduct visits remotely from albuquerque to any of the 13 clinic locations through the state.

“All our 35 sonographers use the collaboration tool to complete complete Fetal Ultrasounds in Real Time With the mfm physician online interaction with the patient and informing them of the fetal diagnosis and subsequent plan of care, “Ruma noted.” The teletrasound tool is unique, allotting for text Audio/Video Communication Between the on-Site Sonographer and the reading Ultrasound Physician.

“Additional, the on-scene sonography can give control of the ultrasound system to the physician, allowing access remotely to nearly all controls the clinician may use as troublem in person,” hee Continued.


Perinatal associates of new mexico has ben alle to expand its rural outreach without stretching its staff too thin. It has provided critical access to perinatal care in numerous area throughout the state that has been lacked this care for years.

“We have been removed to adopt technology to leverage our practice’s expansion without Reported. “Our Practice has grown dramatically by implementing bothe telemedicine and tele-ultrasound, touching Nearly 9,000 pregnancies of the more than 19,000 births in OUR STETE LAST Year.

“We now have the power to help safely keep patients in their home communities for the entryty of their pregnancy, bringing them genetic counseling, diabetes management, diabetes managment, Maternal HEALTARCARE and Perinatal Care Previous only only available by driving hundreds of Miles to Albuquerque, the Major Metropolitan City of New Mexico, “He Continued.

The practice also has the power to identify patients Identifying these issues through telemedicine And Tele-Aultrasound Visits and then Coordinating Planned, Safe Deliveries in Albuquerque, where the state’s only tertiary hospitals are locked.

Advice for other

“Healthcare was essentially forced to adopt telemedicine during the covid-19 pandemic,” Ruma stated. “Many clinicians could not wait to get rid of telemedicine and abandon its unique capability. in the US

“My Advice would be to continue to use telemedicine and advocate on its behahalf so we can continue to provide unique care in communities that others “The power of telemedicine and tele-ultrasound cannot be negrested. The acceptance and desire of patiants to interact with healthcare professionals using this technology also is unabated.”

In 2020, perinatal associates of new mexico complete 5,000 visits using telemedicine and tele-ultrasound. In 2024, it complete 20,000 telemedicine and tele-ultrasound visits. The numbers Tell the story, ruma concluded.

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