How to Block Website on Chrome, How to Block Website on Chrome

You may need to block certain websites on your computer for any number of reasons. Some websites are stores of viruses, some are accused of adult content and some try to steal your personal data. Even if you know all the tips to avoid such websites, it is not necessary that the other person using your device has complete information about it. For such situations, it would be better if you block some websites.

There are many ways to block a website. You can block a website on a specific browser, on an entire operating system, or on your network. Websites can be blocked in the following ways:

On your computer, if you want to control access to a website on just one machine, you can set up a block at the operating system level. This method of blocking websites is not very difficult and it will work on every browser.

How to Block a Website in Windows 7

The DNS system is considered the backbone of the Internet. Its job is to convert any website address into IP address. While you use DNS servers to browse any website, there are HOSTS files on your computer, which store this information on the local system. It can be used to block many websites. We tested this process on Windows 7 and Windows 8.

1. Make sure you have administrator access to your computer. Sign in to your computer with an administrator account then go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\.

2. Double-click the file named “hosts”, then select Notepad from the list of programs to open the file. Then click on OK. Now in the last two lines on Notepad you will see this…”# localhost” and “# ::1 localhost”.

2a. If you can’t edit the file, right-click on the file named hosts and then select Properties. Click the Security tab, select Administrator account, and then click Edit.

2b. In the pop-up, select Account once again, then check Full Control. Click on Apply > Yes. Now click OK in all the pop-ups.

3. At the end of the file, write the address of the website you want to block. To do this, add a line at the end of the file, in which first write, followed by the name of the website you want to block. By doing this the site name will be redirected to your computer.

4. For example, to block Google, type “” at the end of the file (don’t use the quotes). You can block multiple websites in this way, but remember that you can write the name of only one website in each line.

5. Repeat the above instructions until you have blocked all the websites you want.

6. After this close the hosts file and click on Save. Reboot your computer for these changes to take effect. After doing this you will find that all the websites of your choice have been blocked.

How to Block a Website on MAC

You can block websites on OS X like this.

1. First, make sure you have administrator access to your Mac. Now open Terminal. You can find it here- /Applications/Utilities/Terminal.

2. Type sudo nano /etc/hosts, then press Enter. If asked, provide login details.

3. This will open the /etc/hosts file in a text editor. Type the website name on a new line, in the format “” (do not use quotes). Write one line for each website you want to block and then type the same command, just change the name of the website at the end. After writing the name, first press ctrl + x and then Y, so that the file is saved.

4. After this give the command, sudo dscacheutil -flushcache and then press enter or restart the machine to make sure that the websites are blocked.

browser level block
Blocking a website on a browser is the easiest thing to do.

To block any website on Firefox, you can install an addon called BlockSite.

1. Install the addon, then press ctrl+shift+a, and then click Extensions on the left. Now click on the option inside BlockSite. Next, click Add in the pop-up, then type the name of the website you want to block. Repeat this process until you have blocked all the websites you want. Finally click on OK.

2. Now all these websites will be blocked on Firefox. You can also give BlockSite password protection. By doing this, no one will be able to tamper with the list of blocked websites without your permission. To turn on password you have to select the option menu.

Let us tell you that BlockSite addon is also available on Google Chrome.

You can easily block any website even on Internet Explorer. Follow these instructions for that.

1. Open the browser, then go to Tools (alt+x). After this in Internet Options. Now click on the Security tab and then click on the red restricted sites icon. After this click on the Sites button below the icon.

2. Now type the names of all the websites you want to block in the pop-up. After entering the name of each website, click on Add. When you have entered all the website names, click Close and click OK on all windows. Now all these websites will not be visible on Internet Explorer.

on phone or tablet

How to Block a Website on iPhone

Apple has some useful parental control tools that let you block certain websites. Block the website in this way.

1. Go to Settings > General > Restrictions.

2. Tap Enable Restrictions. Now set a passcode for Restrictions. It would be better if you keep this passcode separate from the passcode created to unlock the phone.

3. Once you’ve set the passcode, scroll down and tap Websites. Here you can think about banning adult content, or allowing access to only selected websites.

4. Only some selected websites like Discovery Kids and Disney have a list of sites that can be accessed, but you can expand the website names further, just tap on Add a Website and enter the name of the website.

5. If you tap Limit adult content, Apple blocks websites deemed objectionable, but you can still access any website by tapping Add a Website under Always Allow. And you can blacklist it by tapping inside Never Allow.

6. If you try to access a blocked website, you will see a message stating that it is restricted. Tap on Allow Website, then enter the restriction passcode to open this website.

How to Block a Website on Android Phone

On Android devices, you’ll need to edit the hosts file so that the device can redirect to the website you’ve blocked. You will need a file manager and text editor. We would suggest using the ES File Explorer app, which allows you to do both. This is how it works.

1. Install ES File Explorer, then open it. Tap the “/” button at the top. Then tap on system > etc.

2. You will be able to see the hosts file in this folder. Tap on it, and then tap on text in the pop-up menu. In the next pop-up tap ES Note Editor.

3. Tap the three dots button at the top right, then tap Edit.

4. Now you can edit this file. To block a website you want to redirect its DNS. To do this you start a new line at the end of the file. Here type “” (do not use quotes, replace blockedwebsite with the name of the site you want to block). Type each website name on a new line. For example, to block Google, type

5. Reboot your Android device.

If this method is a bit complicated for you, then you can download an anti-virus app like Trend Micro, which lets you block websites.

1. Install the app and then run it. Go to Options > Safe surfing option.

2. After this go to Parental Controls and click on Set Up Account. Create an account, after this you will be able to see an option named Blocked List in the app. Tap on it, then Add. Now keep entering the names of those websites one by one which are to be blocked. After this you will not be able to access these websites from your Android smartphone.

How to Block a Website on Windows Phone

You can’t block a website completely on Windows Phone, but you can download the AVG Family Safety browser. This app blocks websites with objectionable and unsafe content. And if you purchase AVG anti-virus license, create an account. You can then customize the list of blocked websites.

If you have a Wi-Fi network in your home, then it becomes easy to block the website of your choice through a Wi-Fi router. Most routers don’t have user-friendly interfaces, so this can be a bit frustrating. One more thing, the steps to do this are different in every router, but the basic process will remain almost the same. So if you exercise a little patience, this method is actually very easy. Let us tell you one more thing that if you tamper with any wrong settings then it is possible that your connection may stop. Therefore, if you get stuck somewhere, immediately contact your internet service provider.

1. We followed this process on a Beetel 450TC1 router provided by MTNL in Delhi. Apart from this, also on Binatone router given by Airtel. The same process had to be followed on both the routers. To begin with you need to go to the router’s settings. Open any browser and then type in the address bar. Then press enter. This address is different on some routers, so if this doesn’t work, check the documentation provided by your Internet service provider to see if it is mentioned.

2. Now you need to enter the username and password. This must have been set up during your connection installation. By default username: admin and password: password. If it is not there, contact your Internet service provider to find out the correct username and password.

3. We have already mentioned that interfaces may vary. In our MTNL router we found that we can block websites through Access Management > Filter option.

4. There is a drop-down menu called Filter type selection. We chose URL Filter and then entered the names of the websites to block in the URL field. Above this field there is an option named Active. Here we see two buttons, Yes and No. We chose Yes and clicked Save. With this we wish that all the websites are blocked.

5. You can create 16 lists of blocked websites, in which each list will contain 16 websites. In this way you can block a total of 256 websites. Let us say once again that this process may be different in every router.

This guide will help you block websites on almost all devices. If you know any other way to block websites then let us know through the comments section.


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