If you want to file income tax (income tax) returns online, seek the help of these websites, Income Tax Returns can be filed online through these websites

Whenever it comes to filing income tax returns, most people believe that if you do a chartered account, it is better. But the reality is something else. It is also very easy to file tax like other government services, if you file it online. Whether you run your company, which need CA to file tax or work in a company. Both can easily file their tax online by following the instructions given below. This year the deadline for filing IT returns has been extended till 5 August. If you have not filed it yet, then who is waiting.

On the official website of Income Tax Department
Compared to last year, the Income Tax Department website has been greatly improved this year. Now it does not look much disturbing. The design of the website has been improved. It has become easier to file tax returns on this. Especially it is even easier for those employed people who need to download a form and then copy and paste the details of Form -16 given by the company on it. If your tax filing is a bit more complicated, then this website is not a good option for you. But you know which form to download and how the process will be completed, then click on any one income tax return link in the download section visible on the right side. You download the form, fill all the details, then create an account and fill your income tax return site.

Third party website
Many private companies help you file income tax returns, but you should keep some things in mind before taking their help. First of all, it is that you are sharing the entire details of your earnings with a private company. Even though companies claim that these data will never be made public, but the possibility will always remain. Secondly, some websites take a amount for these services. Even if you have filed income tax returns yourself through these websites. This is not a good deal. Some websites provide you services of chartered accountants in one amount which does not look reasonable. There are also some websites that give the detail guide of the entire filing process. We suggest that you look at all the material available on these websites once.

To file income tax returns Cleartax There is a great option. The detail guide of the filing process is available on this website and its design is also fantastic. If your company gives PDF file of Form-16, then you can upload that file on this website. After this, all the important information in the file will be removed on its own. This makes the process of filing returns easier. And no cost has to be paid to file the return itself. Cleartax website also provides help to CA.

Taxspanner But you will not get any service for free. If you need CA to file income tax returns, then you must visit this website once. If you are going to file income tax returns on your own, then this is not a good option, because you have to pay at least Rs 249 to use this website. However, we liked Taxspanner because of its good design. Apart from this, it was also very easy to understand by reading the guide on the website. You can also keep your CA through this website. Although this is not for everyone, but you need a full-time CA and you do not know what to do, then it seems to be a good option.

other options
By the way, there are many such websites on the Internet which allow you to file tax returns online. By the way, we have not seen any such unique feature which needs to be mentioned. If you do not want to spend money on Taxspanner and want to see some other websites besides Cleartax, then definitely see these three sites:

H & r block
H & r block The design is good. This is a free website. Apart from guides, CA facility is also available here. At first glance it seems to be a good option for Cleartax.

Mytaxcafe It is the same to a great extent. Its design is so great that filing IT returns becomes even easier. However, there is no option to upload Form-16 in PDF format on this website.

Myitreturn The interface of is also very clean. If you are filing income tax returns yourself then this can be a good option. This is a good website for those who are freelancers or who have also earned from outside India. Special paid tier is available on the website, which can be used to file income tax returns from outside India.


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