Is the train ticket confirmed or not? Check PNR status like this

If a train ticket is waitlisted then the passenger’s trouble directly doubles. Firstly, the fear of the ticket not being confirmed and secondly, the tension of knowing the actual status of the booking through the PNR number again and again before the date of travel. During this time, we and you adopt many tricks to confirm railway tickets. The truth is that during this time we and you also search a lot on Google pages related to railway ticket information. This article will solve all your dilemmas related to train ticket waiting list enquiry.

PNR means Passenger Name Record. This is a 10 digit number. There is a system in Railways that if you have got a waiting ticket then you can know the status of PNR. It is not that those with confirmed tickets cannot check the reservation status through PNR number. But doing so would be considered wasting time.

Now a question will arise in your mind that how can the PNR status be checked. We will tell you about it. PNR status can be checked through the official website of Indian Railways. Apart from this, you will also be able to check PNR status by making a phone call or sending an SMS. Many third-party websites and apps will also be useful to you in this regard.

(Read: If you want to get confirmed Tatkal train ticket from IRCTC then try these tips,

Know PNR status from website

Indian Railways website You can check PNR status by visiting. This is an official website, so you should completely trust the information you get here. If you have booked tickets from IRCTC website, then you will be able to know the PNR status from here also. You have to login, then go to booked ticket history. Here select the ticket which is waiting. After that you have to click on Get PNR Status. Now a pop up will open showing the status of PNR.

pnr web

train ticket waiting list inquiry

This was the official website. Some websites also provide the status of PNR with the help of data from Railway servers. If you want, you can also check it from websites like,, and The interesting thing is that some of these websites also tell about the chances of confirmation of waitlisted tickets. When the ticket is not confirmed, the game of expectations becomes even more interesting.

Know PNR status through phone call

If you want, you can know the PNR status by calling number 139 from your mobile, you just have to follow the instructions given by the IVR. You may have to use your city’s STD code further, such as 011 for Delhi, before placing a call to this number.

Know PNR status through SMS
You can send SMS to 5888 or 139 or 5676747 or 57886 after writing “PNR {PNR Number}” in your mobile. After this you will get SMS which will contain information about PNR status.

Know PNR status through app

pnr status check app

There is an official app of IRCTC in Google Play Store, but you will not be able to check PNR status directly in it. For this you will have to rely on third party apps only. You indian rail train pnr status (ixigo), railway passenger, trainman And confirm ticket Like install the app. On these apps you will get the option to check PNR status.


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