Manmohan Singh revived Indian economy with the touch of a magician, says A.K. Antony

Manmohan Singh with the then Defence Minister A.K. Antony at Red Fort in New Delhi on August 15, 2013.

Manmohan Singh with the then Defence Minister A.K. Antony at Red Fort in New Delhi on August 15, 2013.
| Photo Credit: SANDEEP SAXENA

Former Defence Minister A.K. Antony, a Cabinet colleague of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for a period of seven years and seven months, recollected the revolutionary changes brought about in the country’s socio-economic sphere as well as in its relations with foreign nations under Singh’s tenure.

Speaking to the media in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, on Friday (December 27, 2024), Mr. Antony said Singh’s death is “one of the biggest losses suffered by the country in recent years.”

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“When former Prime Minister Narasimha Rao entrusted Dr. Singh, a non-politician, to save the Indian economy from ruins, many eyebrows were raised in political circles. But he went on to revive the economy with the touch of a magician. He led the country towards liberalisation, and ended the license and quota raj. Similarly, when Sonia Gandhi chose to give up the Prime Minister’s post which was hers for the taking, and chose Dr. Singh instead, many wondered how he would lead the country during such a tumultuous period. But, in his 10-year tenure, he turned into one of the most respected leaders the world has ever seen,” said Mr. Antony.

Looking for solutions

Mr. Antony recollected how Singh looked for solutions to the issues faced by the poor, parallel to liberalising the economy. The government under him implemented the Food Security Act (FSA) to ensure food grains for the poor, the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme (MGNREGS) to provide jobs for the jobless millions and waived off ₹75,000 crore in loans to farmers. He was also instrumental in implementing the Right to Information (RTI) mechanism. However, currently, it is doubtful whether the RTI and the FSA are being implemented properly, said Mr. Antony.

Mr. Antony said that the former Prime Minister was successful in forging stronger ties with most countries. “About 50 countries inked defence deals with India during the period. Though there were border disputes including with China during his term, he patiently dealt with these issues without ceding even one inch of land. Border security as well as infrastructure in border areas were taken care of,” he said.

“India became one of the top 3 or 4 economic and military powers in the world during his tenure,” he added.

Regarding relations with States, Mr. Antony lauded Singh for following the true spirit of federalism in Union government-State relations. “He had always taken a liberal approach to Kerala’s demands, both under the tenure of the Congress as well as the left. Kerala got defence-related industries for the first time during his tenure. As the Prime Minister, he went the extra mile to protect the country’s secularism and diversity,” he said.

Mr. Antony also reminisced about the former Prime Minister’s simplicity, honesty and sense of justice. “I have travelled with him on various occasions. He always used to carry his bag, and never let anyone else do it, when he got out of the aircraft. He was that simple a man,” he said.

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