‘Old guy’ interview: christoph waltz and lucy liu

(L to r) Lucy liu and christoph waltz in the action/comedy film 'old guy', a the avenue release. Photo courtesy of the avenue.

(L to r) Lucy liu and christoph waltz in the action/comedy film ‘old guy’, a the avenue release. Photo courtesy of the avenue.

Opening in select theaters and on digital February 21st is the new action comedy ‘Old guy‘, which was directed by Simon west ,Con Air,

The movie stars two-time Oscar Winner Christoph waltz ,Inglourious basterds‘And’Django unchained, Lucy liu ,Kill Bill: Vol. 1‘And’Presence‘), and Cooper hoffman ,Licorice Pizza‘And’Saturday night,

Moviefone Recently had the pleasure of spending with christoph and lucy liu about their work on ‘old guy’, their first recactions to the screenplay, their Characters, Danny and Anaata’s FriNyey’s Friendship, DANNAYSPIP Reluctant partnership with his replacement, and working with cooper Hoffman.

Related Article: Lucy Liu And Chris Sullivan Talk Steven Soderbergh’s ‘Presence’

Christoph waltz in the action/comedy film 'old guy', a the avenue release. Photo courtesy of the avenue.

Christoph waltz in the action/comedy film ‘old guy’, a the avenue release. Photo courtesy of the avenue.

Moviefone: to begin with, christoph, what was your first reaction to the screenplay and what appeared to you about playing this character?

Christoph waltz: Frankly, it’s been a while, so I don’t really recall my first reaction, but somehere during the events I must have thought, “yeah, i can do that.” I liked that he’s old and that he must deal with it. He does and that’s inspiring. I’M Practicing.

Mf: Lucy, what was your first reaction to the screenplay and what was your approach to playing anata?

Lucy liu: Well, Knowing that christoph was already connected to the movie was exciting to me. When i read the role of anata, I really thought that she was just the right amount of Condient in the movie. They didn’t need a lot more. The Amount of Spice That She Added and The Connection that She Had was enough. Being a lot of people said, “It’s a smaller role.” But i think that the relationship is really between hem and wilborg. I liked that she was not the main event and that she came on board and was sour of the third wheel, and that it is sometising Much Deeper. I also love the idea of ​​doing independent movies. IT Gets Less DiluteD CECAUSES WHEN You’re Working on a Bigger Movie, There’s so many people giving their thoughts and their opinions, its starts to lose what you are Ooriginally read. I think simon was altar to hold onto what he had originally.

Lucy liu in the action/comedy film 'old guy', a the avenue release. Photo courtesy of the avenue.

Lucy liu in the action/comedy film ‘old guy’, a the avenue release. Photo courtesy of the avenue.

Mf: Lucy, can you talk about anata’s friendship with danny and what she sees in hem?

Ll: I think she’s great. She’s very raw, and I think she does not want to be vulnerable, but it turns out that she is, and it hurts. I Think She’s Passed Her Prime, and I Think that when that Gentleman Says to Her, “We can still go back to the hotel,” She realizes he just thinks of her as a prostitute, Noting more. Like a good time and it really destroys her and breaks her heart.

MF: Christoph, Can You Talk About Danny’s Reluctant Partnership With WiHlborg, Who is the person sent to replace Him?

CW: I can, but you won’t understand. You’re too young. The moment come with you’re being pushed aside, and not because you’re lacking anything other than maybe muscle tone. But you have more experience, you have seen how the world works, all of that. Yet You’re Being Pushed Aside Secause Someone Just is Younger Than You Are, Who is not a good reason. Interestingly in Industry, and I Hesitate to Say Normal Society because I think that concept is going out the window, but in any case, in our lives, you see that. Sure enough, youth does have to take over Sooner or Later. That does not necessarily mean that the generation Above must be pushed aside. That are the reasonable arguments. The unreasonable emotional argument is, it hurts to be discarded, to be thrown on the heap with the rest of the old iron. IT Hurts and It’s Difability to come to terms with that hurt.

Cooper Hoffman in the Action/Comedy Film 'Old Guy', a Avenue Release. Photo courtesy of the avenue.

Cooper Hoffman in the Action/Comedy Film ‘Old Guy’, a Avenue Release. Photo courtesy of the avenue.

MF: Finally, Christoph, What was it like working with Cooper Hoffman?

CW: Same Thing. Same thing, by the way.

“Competition is Always a Killer.”

R1 hr 33 minFeb 21st, 2025

An aging hitman (christoph waltz) is forced to train a young prodigy (cooper hoffman) when his Employer moves to replace the old guard. But when they learn they … Read the plot

What is the plot of ‘old guy’?

An aging assassin (christoph waltz) is Teamed up by his boss with a youngger, brasher killer (coper hoffman) to ostensibly train him, but suspects that he’s ultimate looking to be ‘read’ His Prodigal Partner. The two must work togeether to stay alive, however, when they are betrayed from within the company its its.

Who is in the cost of ‘old guy’?

Director Simon West Behind the Scenes on the Set of the Action/Comedy Film 'old guy', a the avenue release. Photo courtesy of the avenue.

Director Simon West Behind the Scenes on the Set of the Action/Comedy Film ‘old guy’, a the avenue release. Photo courtesy of the avenue.

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