Open-book, on-demand exams are options as part of school assessment reforms

Open-book, on-demand, take-home, and online examinations can be considered for formative assessment for Class VIII students in the 2025-26 academic year, as per the guidelines for school assessment reforms issued by the Kerala government.

The assessment reforms will be introduced, along with ‘subject minimum’, in a staggered manner beginning with Class VIII in the 2025-26 year, class VIII and IX the next year, and class VIII to X in the 2027-28 academic year.

As per the guidelines, formative assessment can be 20% of the total score in each subject in Class VIII. Class tests are mandatory. Besides the usual written exams, open-book exam and such can be considered. There will be two exams in a term.

Oral test, observation, interview, practical test, open-ended questionnaire, performance assessment, worksheets, self-assessment, group assessment can also be adopted.

Student participation in school-level activities such as leadership and organising, implementing novel ideas, newspaper and extra reading, cleanliness and greening activities, and attendance in academic activities can be considered.

Projects, seminars, assignments, experiments, and debates can be also considered for assessment of academic activities.

Learning process and portfolio are some of the other types of assessments.

Change has also been made to the five-point absolute grading process. Those with scores between 80-100 will get ‘A’ grade for outstanding; 60-79 will get ‘B’ grade (very good); 40-59 will be ‘C’ grade (good); 30-39 will be ‘D’ grade (satisfactory), and below 30 ‘E’ (needs improvement).

Promotion criteria

Students who do not score minimum 30% in all subjects in the year-end exams (12 marks in a 40-mark written exam and 6 marks in a 20-mark exam) as part of summative assessment will be given academic support and made to reappear for exams again. Only after an assessment of their performance will they be promoted to class IX.

Thirty percent of the questions should be of the basic level, 50% average, and 20% of the profound level that challenge learners and test the depth of their knowledge in an area.

Multiple choice, matching items, and constructed response short answer and long answer type questions should be included.

The assessment should be able to judge students’ analytical thinking, critical thinking, creative thinking, and communication ability.

Questions based on current newspaper reports on Science, Social Science, language, and Mathematics should also be included.

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