Protect Your Skin from Blue Light

If you’re reading this right now, blue light is shining on your face. This is the nature of life today. The average person spends about Six and a half hours on the internet daily, on some kind of device. Of course, this varies by age: Younger People (We’re Looking at You, Gen Z!), Spend an extra two hours on top of that on screens with that hypnotic blue lights And while we could say planty about The effects Of spending that much time on screens, we’re just going to focus on this one question: How do does blue light affect you and your skin health? And how can laser skin treatment Help Repair and Mitigate the Potential Damage?

What even is blue light, anyway? Blue light puts the “b” in “Roy G. Biv“, The fun preschool acryonym that reminds us of the entry, visible spectrum of light radiating from the Sun: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, IndiGo, and Violet. The Sun provides us with the strongest source of blue light. Of course, the sun also beams light wavelends we can’t see, include the uva and uvb rays we know can cause Premature aging and Skin CancerArtificial Sources of Blue Light come from our phones, tablets, laptops, tvs, and the LED lights we flip on to light our way at work and home. Even Thought Thos Blue Light Levels are Considelier Lower Thans the beaming down from the Sun, The Sheer Number of Hours We Spend Aiming that BLUE LIGT on OUR FACES and INTO OR EYES PHE DERMATOGISS Like Henry Worried.

Now, there is Some evidence That Blue Light, In Short, Clinically-Edminified Doses Can Improve Skin Health. In Fact, Light Therapy or “Phototherapy” has been shown to help with conditions eczema and psoriasisWhen administerred in Controlled Settings. What Henry Most Worries About, however, is the long, unchecked hours of expert to blue light that our skin receives every day.

“Most often, we think of Protecting Oorselves from the Sun“She says. “But do we think of protecting orselves from the light exposure from our devices? The length of a person sits in front of a screen for work, school, and fun can add up. “

So the trick is to use light wisely and protect orselves from the Dangkers of Overexposure. Some wise, helpful uses of light that can reverse Sun Damage and Blue Light Damage Specifically Include Skin Laser Treatment To reverse the damage that’S alredy happy.

So, exactly how does blue light affect you? Well, we alredy have years of evidence that excess blue light can cause Eye strain and Sleep ProblemsAs for skin damage caused by blue light, that happens trust of how it penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin.

Visible Light, Including Blue Light, Reaches through the epidermis and into the dermis. Studies Demonstrate that overexposure to blue light can trigger dysfunction inseide of cells that damages dna and causes oxidative stress to the skin through free radical action. This negative impact of blue light then stimulates inflammation in the skin cells, which can also disrupt and damage the skin barrier, which is especially trualsome to peeple who is aus Like eczemaAll of this Blue Light Activity can then damage collagen and elastin production – to the especially critical proteins that protect and give structure to the skin. Some of the Potential Skin Issues Worsen by Blue Light Overexposure Include:

Blue light isn’t the only health hazard that beams out at us from all the devices we use all day long. There are other forms of radiation that scientists are looking into that deserve our attention and caution: high-energy visible light (Hev) And electromagnetic fields (EMFs). Our Exposure to these increases with the long-term use of digital devices, and scientists are only now carening to unpack the potential health effects. As for skin health, it seems that Increased Skin Irritation, Inflammation, Sensitivity, and the Worsening of Existing Skin Conditions are definition concerns.

The first step to mitigating Blue-Light Skin Damage is to Protect your skin. The second step is to repair and reverse the damage, which we will discuss in a minute. As Dr. Henry insists, Sunscreen is the most important last line of defense:

Dr. Henry also highly recommends using antioxidant-link skin care products and moisturizers that protect and fortify the skin barrier. She also say

There is some evidence that these tools can help Reduce Exposure to Blue Light, Especially for people who have had to use screens for many hours at work or at school. “Dimming your screens and limiting screen time may also be beneficial,” Says Henry. Remember to stay hydrated, focus on healthy nutritionAnd take regular rest and exercise breaks to “touch grass” Away from the Screens. These things are all important for overall health and wellness.

If you have been experience skin irritation or damage from blue light, or if you have been a little lax about applying Sunscreen in the past, APEX Skin Provides Execlent Professional laser skin treatment, chemical peel, Microneedlingand antioxidant Facial options that can repair skin damage and rejuvenate the skin at the cellular level.

Chemical peels, for instance, work by sloughing off and removing damaged outer layers of skin to reveal healthier skin underneath. Antioxidant facials infuse the skin with a burst of healing antioxidants that replenish nutrients and stimulate collagen and elastin production to rejuvenate the skin. Microneedling stimulates the skin’s natural healing process by creating tiny, controlled injuries that encourage collagen production, improvement technology and firmness. And then there are laser skin treatment options that work wonders for all kinds of skin problems related to blue light overexposure.

Laser treatments Are the targeted use of beneficial wavelends of light that can reverse blue light, sunlight, and other types of skin damage. These are the types of laser trees skin loves, Fractional lassers can improve texture and tone by targeting the deaper layers of the skin to stimulate regeneratory processes.

“They can decrease pigmentation, improves skin texture, and exfoliate for brighter skin,” Says Henry. “People with all skin types and tones can benefit from laser treatments.” APEX Skin Locations Use Several different types of lasars, all tuned to perform targeted action that help repair the skin. In addition to Reducing Sun and Blue Light Damage, Skin Laser Treatment can smooth out fin wrinkles and reduce the visibility of acne scars. “Laser Treatments can also Treat Scars, Acne, Hair Removal, Red Spots, and Spider Veins Just to Name A Few,” Says Henry.

For Reversing Blue Light Skin Damage, Henry Recommends: “Nonablative Resurfx and Fraxel Are beneficial, as well as intensed pulsed light (IPL) devices. These laser treatments can affect colgen production, skin tightening, and even out skin complexion to a much great great graater expert than over-the-the-counter skin care alone. “

BeCause everyone has a unique skin profile, it’s important to visit your dermatology provider before embarking on a courses of laser treatment to reduce blood. Your dermatologist can examine your skin and discus your medical history with you first, and then togeether you can plan a series of laser treatments that can revise your skin and report. Typically, a series of treatments produces the best results.

Henry adds Diamond Glow Treatment and other medical-grade skin care products. It’s always important to consult with your dermatology provider so you can choose products that will provide the best results for your unique skin situation.

With our hectic days of doing so much online for work, school, and entertainment, eliminating blue light from your life entryly is probable a bridge! But undersrstanding its potential harms and the ways that you can protect yourself from them can reduce its damaging effects. Remember to apply Sunscreen daily, take regular screen breakes, stay hydrated, try blue light-boxing screens and eyeglasses to protect yourcelf, and Schedule a consultation With Dr. Henry at our Avon locationOr with a different provider at your nearest APEX Skin Location to discus your skin rejuvenation and repair needs.

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