How to Stop Contacts From Adding You to Whatsapp Groups, How to protect yourself from being added to WhatsApp groups

WhatsApp Groups: WhatsApp Groups is a popular feature of Facebook’s instant messaging app WhatsApp. Earlier, anyone who had your number saved could add you to the group, but users were troubled by the problem of another person adding you to…

This is the way to play Ludo King online and offline

In a country like India, there are many games which are played at home to escape boredom. ‘Ludo’ is one of those games. However, as the times have become digital, sports have also become digital. ‘Ludo King’ is the digital…

How to schedule WhatsApp messages on Android and iPhone

There are a lot of great features on WhatsApp, but there is one thing that WhatsApp disappoints us about and that is the feature of scheduling messages. Yes, the method of scheduling messages has not yet been introduced on WhatsApp,…

The story behind TikTok’s rating decreasing and then increasing again

The rating of TikTok App was falling rapidly for some time, it had dropped from 4.5 to 1.2. But suddenly the falling rating of this app started improving. The reason behind this is the removal of 1 star rating given…