Realme 5 and Realme 5 Pro have been launched in India. Both the phones come with four rear cameras. These have big batteries. Qualcomm’s Snapdragon processors have been provided in these realme smartphones with waterdrop notch. These phones will run…
Tag: realme 5 pro price in india
Price, Specs, which is better between Redmi Note 8 Pro and Realme 5 Pro?
Xiaomi has launched its latest Redmi Note 8 series in the Chinese market. Meanwhile, the company’s India department head Manu Kumar Jain has confirmed that Redmi Note 8 and Redmi Note 8 Pro will be launched in India in the…
Who is better between Realme XT and Realme 5 Pro?
Realme XT vs Realme 5 Pro: Realme XT smartphone has been launched in India. Realme XT has a big battery, four rear cameras and it is the first smartphone of the company to be launched in the Indian market with…
Comparision of Price in India, Specifications, Which is better between Samsung Galaxy M30s, Realme XT and Realme 5 Pro?
Samsung Galaxy M30s vs Realme XT vs Realme 5 Pro: Samsung Galaxy M30s has been launched in India and this phone is equipped with 6,000 mAh battery, three rear cameras and 48 megapixel primary camera sensor. This latest phone of…
Which is better between Honor 9X, Redmi Note 8 Pro and Realme 5 Pro?
Honor 9X was launched in India just this week. This variant of Honor 9X launched in India is quite different from the Honor 9X variant launched in the Chinese market in 2019. Honor 9X price in India starts from Rs…
How big of an upgrade is the Realme 6 Pro compared to the Realme 5 Pro?
Realme 6 Pro has been launched. Be it price or hardware, both the things make Realme 6 Pro more premium than Realme 5 Pro. The phone has a 90Hz display and Qualcomm Snapdragon 720G processor with a 64-megapixel quad camera…