Realme X3 smartphone has been launched in India, which is an upgraded version of Realme X2. Realme X3 smartphone comes with quad rear camera, dual selfie camera and 120Hz display. Apart from this, Realme X3 has an upgraded liquid cooling…
Tag: realme x3
Latest dual front camera smartphone for selfie lovers
It is now becoming common to see dual selfie camera setup i.e. two front cameras in smartphones, whereas earlier this feature was only available in select high-end smartphones like Samsung Galaxy S10 Series, today this feature is available in budget…
Best smartphones available under Rs 30,000 (August 2020)
The smartphone segment under Rs 30,000 is becoming interesting. In recent times, many such smartphones have been added to this segment, which have the ability to give you the experience of a flagship smartphone. Although this segment was also dominated…