Redmi Note 7 was launched in China in the month of January. It will be launched in India soon. Xiaomi India head Manu Kumar Jain has released several teasers in this regard. Recently, information about the color variant and RAM…
Tag: redmi note 7 price in india
How different are Redmi Note 7 Pro and Redmi Note 7 from each other?
Redmi Note 7 Pro smartphone has been launched in India today. Talking about the important features of Redmi Note 7 Pro smartphone, it has Snapdragon 675 AIE processor and 48 megapixel primary camera sensor. Xiaomi has also provided a 4,000…
Which is better between Redmi Note 7, Realme U1 and Samsung Galaxy M20?
Xiaomi launched its new budget smartphone Redmi Note 7 in India on Thursday, 28 February 2019. Redmi Note 7 is equipped with two rear cameras, AI selfie camera, Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 AI processor. In the Indian market, Redmi Note 7…