Xiaomi launched Redmi Note 9 on Thursday during an online event. It comes with a hole-punch design with a camera cutout on the top left side of the screen, along with a quad rear camera setup on the back. There…
Tag: redmi note 9 design
Difference Detailed, how different are Redmi Note 9 and Redmi Note 8 from each other?
Redmi Note 9 was launched at Xiaomi’s global event on Thursday. It is the fourth smartphone in this series and comes as an upgrade to Redmi Note 8. Redmi Note 8 was launched in October last year. Both Redmi Note…
Price in India, Specifications Comparison, which is better between Redmi Note 9 and Realme Narzo 10?
Xiaomi launched Redmi Note 9 in India on Monday. The smartphone is the third phone in the Redmi Note 9 series in India and is introduced as an upgrade model to the Redmi Note 8. Compared to the previous variant,…