On the evening of Thursday, December 26, Salman Khan unveiled a rocking poster of his much-awaited film Sikandar and reiterated that its teaser would be out a day later, on Friday, December 27. The date was perfect as it coincided with the…
Tag: Rest In Peace
Salman Khan’s Sikandar teaser delayed in respect of Manmohan Singh’s demise : Bollywood News
In a mark of respect to the late former Prime Minister of India, Dr. Manmohan Singh, the makers of Salman Khan’s much-awaited film, Sikandar, have postponed the release of the teaser. The teaser, originally scheduled to be unveiled on December…
Tabla Maestro Zakir Hussain dies at 73, confirms family : Bollywood News
Globally celebrated Tabla virtuoso Zakir Hussain passed away on Monday at the age of 73 in San Francisco. His family confirmed his demise in an official statement, citing idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis as the cause of death. Hussain’s exceptional contribution to Indian…