Vivo V19 smartphone has been launched in India just a month after its global launch. This smartphone is equipped with 6 cameras, in which four cameras are located on the back and two cameras are provided for selfie and video…
Tag: Vivo V19
These powerful smartphones launched in India in May 2020
India is struggling with the lockdown these days due to the COVID-19 pandemic, due to which not only the economy but many companies have also suffered huge losses. Tech industry also did not remain untouched by this. Due to the…
Latest dual front camera smartphone for selfie lovers
It is now becoming common to see dual selfie camera setup i.e. two front cameras in smartphones, whereas earlier this feature was only available in select high-end smartphones like Samsung Galaxy S10 Series, today this feature is available in budget…
Best smartphones available under Rs 30,000 (August 2020)
The smartphone segment under Rs 30,000 is becoming interesting. In recent times, many such smartphones have been added to this segment, which have the ability to give you the experience of a flagship smartphone. Although this segment was also dominated…
Best smartphones available under Rs 25,000 (September 2020)
If you’re buying a new smartphone, it’s generally believed that the more you spend, the better device you get. However, this is not always true. In today’s time, some Chinese companies have taken over the budget to premium categories and…