But there are some ways with the help of which PDF files can be edited for free. Today it is a matter of some such mediums from which it is possible to edit the PDF file without spending money:
Edit pdf for free online
This method supports Android, iOS, Windows, Linux and MacoS. With the help of iOS, it works excellent on Google Chrome. Some tools are not used well on the safari.
1. Pdf escape Go to
2. After this, drag the PDF file and bring it for edit or click on ‘Chuzz File’.
3. Now choose the file, which you have to edit.
4. After a few second process, the file becomes available for edit. You will find tools on the left panel. Here you are given options for text, blank white box (to erase and hide).
Some advanced features are missing in PDF escape, such as move tools. It seems difficult to set the picture position. But this is a better option for free for basic editing.

PDF escape
Change and edit pdf to word
It is easy to replace the PDF file online into Word file. This process works on every platform.
1. PDF to Word Converter Go to the site.
2. Click on upload a file to convert.
3. After this, select the PDF file.
4. Your document will be ready in a short time. After this, download it.
5. After editing, download the file again.
Inkscape or Libreoffice Draw
If you want to edit PDF file on desktop or laptop Inkscape or Libreoffice Draw Can adopt Both are free vector drawing apps, through which Editing of PDF files can be easily done. For this you have to take these steps:
1. File> Go to Open
2. Choose PDF File
3. Now you will find a place to edit the text. The philosophy in which you want to edit are mandatory in your system.
4. Select File> Export as PDF option after completion of work.
… So in this way you can do any charge without editing PDF file. If there are some other ways in your information, from which the PDF file can be edited for free, then please tell us by commenting.