How to remove system ads from Xiaomi’s MIUI
If you are logged in through your Mi account, this is also a way to advertise from the entire system. You will see these ads in select pre-installed apps. You may also encounter them on the widgets page by swiping left on the default home screen. You do this…
1. Go to Settings, then Additional settings and now Authorization & revocation.
2. After this scroll down and disable msa.
3. Now tap on Revoke in the pop-up.
4. The first time you do it you will get an error message. It will be written, “Couldn’t revoke authorization”. Now repeat the second and third steps once again. After this a message of revocation will come.

There’s one more thing you need to do to disable personalized ad recommendations. Even if it doesn’t disable ads, it stops tracking data for advertising systemwide. Follow these steps…
1. Open Settings, then go to Additional settings.
2. Scroll down, then tap Ad services.
3. After this disable Personalized ad recommendation.
This way you will get rid of system level advertising and tracking. However, many other Xiaomi apps like Mi Browser still show ads. In this way you will be able to disable ads by going to each app separately.
How to remove ads from Xiaomi’s Mi Browser
Mi Browser shows many advertisements on the start page. You can get rid of these to some extent by following the instructions given below:
1. Open Mi Browser.
2. Tap on the three vertical lines visible at the bottom right.
3. Now tap on Settings.
4. Tap on Notifications. Turn it off.
5. Now go to the previous page. Now tap on Privacy & security.
6. Now disable Recommended for you.
7. Now go to the previous page, now tap on Advanced.
8. Now tap on Top sites order, then disable Receive recommendations.
9. Then go to the previous page and tap on Set start page.
10. Now select Custom.
11. Here type the URL of the website of your choice, like Now tap OK.
By adopting this tricky method, you will not only get rid of spam notifications in Mi Browser, you will also get rid of the default home page of Mi Browser. There are many advertisements on this default page too, which are not easy to get rid of. Now the next time you open Mi Browser, your new default page will load.

How to remove ads from MIUI Security
Follow the instructions below to get rid of MIUI Security app:
1. Open MIUI Security app.
2. After this, tap on the Settings icon visible on the top right side.
3. Scroll down. Now disable Receive recommendations.
How to remove ads from Cleaner
The Cleaner app comes pre-installed in MIUI. Here’s how you can remove ads:
1. Open the MIUI Security app.
2. Click on the Settings icon on the top right.
3. Now tap on Cleaner.
4. Now scroll down and disable Receive recommendations.
How to disable ads in MIUI Downloads app
The Downloads app in MIUI also shows ads. You can get rid of it like this:
1. Open Mii’s Downloads app.
2. Tap on the vertical dots visible at the top right.
3. Tap on Settings.
4.Disable Show recommended content.
5. After this a pop up will appear in which it will be written, by doing this you will not be able to view the recommended source. Tap OK here, because no one wants to see these ads.

How to remove ads from Mi Music app
Advertisements also rain in the Mi Music app. You can get rid of them like this:
1. Open the Mi Music app.
2. After this, tap on the three vertical lines visible on the top left.
3. Tap on Settings.
4. Tap on Advanced settings.
5. Disable Receive recommendations.
How to disable ads in Mi Video app
1. Open the Mi Video app.
2. After this, tap on the three vertical lines visible on the top left.
3. Tap on Settings.
4. Turn off online recommendation.
5. Turn off push messages. In this way, recommended videos will be disabled along with notifications in the app.
How to remove promoted apps from MIUI folder
Many app folders contain promoted apps that are recommended for download. You can get rid of it by following the instructions given below:
1. Open any app folder in Xiaomi smartphone.
2. Tap the folder name.
3. Disable promoted apps.