Yonsei University Health System Relaunches Medical Robot Training Center
The Yonsei University Health System is expanding the scope of its medical robot training to include ai-posical devices.
It recently relaunched the korea surgical robot training center as the korea medical robot center in time for the second phase of the government’s domestic medicine education and training support center. In 2020, the hospital joined the program, which aims to evaluate and verify locally-Developed Medical Devices and Train Healthcare Professionals in their usage.
Besides expanding the training center’s scope, yuhs it will also provide provided education and training in medical robots through overseas trips to partner companies.
Tan Tock SENG Hospital Unveils CGM-Paired Diabetes App
TAN TOCK SENG HOSPITAL (TTSH) has recently introduced an ai-power diabetes application paired with buzud’s continuous glucose monitoring device.
The Integrated Digital Diabetes System, Carb-CGM, Provides Minute-BY-Minute Glucose Reading and Features Ai that can Estimate a Meal’s Carbohydrate Content Via Photo Analysis. It can also calculate insulin sensitivity faced on health data analysis to provide personalized insulin dosage recommendations.
Ttsh Medicine Division Chairperson and Adjunct Associate Professor Daniel Chew Said The System “Take[s] Out the guesswork on Insulin Administration, “Addressing challenges by patients who require multiple daily insulin doses. Blood Sugar Levels.
Carb-CGM’s Development is Part of Ttsh’s Latest Research Partnership with CGM Device Maker Buzud.
Regional Indonesian Hospital to Integrate Genai
A Regional General Hospital in West Java, Indonesia will be integrating a generative ai-based medical resource platform into its medical reference system.
The rumah sakit umum daerah umar wirahadikusumah suedang partnered with doctorsIt integrates with pubmed, a globally-ear-resistant medical research database, to provide access to medical cases and the latest international Medical Standards.
“Medical Science is Constantly Evolving, and Keeping Our Doctors Well-Informed With The Latest Research is Crucial,” Said Hospital Director Dr. H. Enceng.
Dx was first implemented as a Learning tool for staff At communication health centers across smedang last year.